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The original Bengal cats are a hybrid of the Asian Leopard Cat and domestic cats. They were developed by various people, most notably Jean Sugden Mill, in the 1. Through careful breeding, this aim has definitely been achieved Physical Appearance The Famous Bengal Markings The first thing most people notice about the Bengal cat is the wonderful coatWatch Fearless Dailymotion1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. UfitwBp9kE/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch Fearless Dailymotion' title='Watch Fearless Dailymotion' />Not only is it beautiful to look at, but its also very soft and sleek and many Bengals also shine in the light with a glitter that permeates through every hair shaft Shining in the sun. Bengals have two basic fur patterns the more common spotted pattern and the wonderfully swirly marbled. Both spotted and marbles are often tri coloured with various shades forming the unique markings. The tri colouring is what can give spotted Bengals rosettes where each individual spot has an outline of a darker colour, giving a look similar to that of a Jaguar, for example. Not all Bengals have defined rosettes they have spots more like a Leopard, with no outline of colour. Colours. Bengal colours. Both spotted and marbled Bengals come in a variety of colours Brown, Snow, Silver and Blue are the most common though newer colours such as chocolate, charcoal and cinnamon must be something about Cs are also becoming more popular. Lula Seal Lynx Point. Snows are also known as Seal Lynx Point, Seal Mink and Seal Sepia. Seal Lynx Points have Siamese cats in their ancestry, so will always have blue eyes, whereas the Seal Sepia was derived from Burmese and will never have blue eyes. A Seal Mink has both Lynx Point and Sepia genes so the eyes can be any colour, though they will never be as bright blue as the Lynx Points. Just like in the wild with Panthers, you can also get black Bengal cats, these are known as melanistic. They do have spots or marbling, though you may only be able to see their markings in certain lighting conditions. Its desirable for Bengals except melanistic to have light or white tummies, just like many of their wild cousins Size. Bengal cats are usually quite large males weigh on average between 1. Of course you will get some even bigger than that and a few who are smaller too, so dont be concerned if your Bengal is outside of those averages. Other Physical Features. The head of the Bengal should be quite small in comparison to the body, with small ears too, reminiscent of their wild cat ancestry. Thumbprint. The ears should have a thumbprint a patch where the fur is very short, in the shape of a thumb Many tabby cats also have this thumbprint. M on the Forehead. Also in common with most tabby cats, Bengals have a clear M on the forehead. Bengals are strong and agile cats and should be slim and athletic. The back legs are slightly longer than the front ones, which give an arch to the back when standing in a certain position. Longer back legs. Bengal mis Behaviour OK, we admit it Bengals are not your laid back lap cat They are often quite naughty and can be a handful, they are not for the inexperienced or nervous cat ownerThe Bengal is also very intelligent for a cat and needs lots of things to keep that brain occupied, lots of interactive play with toys like the dragonfly you can find in our store and if youre out a lot, another cat is often a great playmate. Adventurous Bengal cat. Bengals are also very vocal and loud they will always tell you when they want something such as food or the litter box to be cleaned out did I mention they can be fussy over these things. The Bengal miaow is not easily ignoredAlthough Bengals can be naughty and loud, they are also great fun and love to play with their humans. They are affectionate and its not unusual for them to form a great loyalty to a single member of the household. Lula going for a walk. Their intelligence means they are easy to train and many react well to clicker training. Its not uncommon for Bengal owners to train their cats to go for a walk on a harness and leash we have safe and strong harness jackets for sale in our store. The Last Mimzy Full Movie Online Free'>The Last Mimzy Full Movie Online Free. They love water and many will drink straight from the tap faucet and watch their humans in the shower or bath tub Beware If youre shy and you close the bathroom door that loud miaow will soon be heard Theres no escaping from the curious Bengal If you want an active, affectionate, naughty cat who will make you smile and even laugh every single day then a Bengal is for you Lula. Health. Bengals are generally very healthy cats if you have bought from a reputable and registered breeder. The life expectancy is the same as many other cats 1. In line with other pedigree breeds, there are some diseases that they have a slightly higher risk of HCM heart disease and Pk. Def chronic anaemia being two of them. But if you go to a breeder who screens for these things, the risk of your Bengal getting them is much reduced, small though it is in the first place. Bengal Myths Busted The Bengal cat is named after the Latin name for the Asian Leopard Cat Prionailurus bengalensis and not the very distantly related Bengal tiger. Bengals are no more aggressive than your average domestic kittyAs for any cat, they must be well socialised from young kitten hood which a reputable breeder will do. If you buy from a back yard breeder who doesnt ensure this is done, you may get behavioural problems but this is true for any breed of cat, its not exclusive to Bengals The Asian Leopard Cat is a shy and timid creature, and relatively small not very wild when you compare them to their big cat cousins Bengals love water Bengals are NOT immune to Feline Leukaemia. It is thought that the Asian Leopard Cat is immune, and some of the early hybrids were bred to see if this immunity could be replicated in a domestic cat, but it wasnt possible. Are Bengals hypo allergenicProbably not, though anecdotal evidence suggests that some people who are allergic to cats do not have a reaction to Bengals. We have seen this from our own experience, so know it to be true, though we have also heard of allergic people that have reacted, so we would never risk human health and say that 1. Bengal cat. Not every cat who has a spotted or marbled coat pattern is a Bengal or even a Bengal mix. See our article on Is my cat a Bengal for more info.