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Directed by Michael Damian. With Keenan Kampa, Nicholas Galitzine, Sonoya Mizuno, Jane Seymour. When a hip hop violinist busking in the New York subway encounters a. This Facebook lottery scam hits home. Learn how you can easily identify if the profile of the person youre talking to is fake or not. Kaya kahit pareho tayong nagtagumpay, pareho tayong talunan. Ang sakit, Vice Ganda told the soldout crowd. Drawing on unpublished diaries, memoirs and letters, The Great War tells the rich and complex story of World War I through the voices of nurses, journalists, aviators. F0tdwsB0AG99ulecChySUvj8n.jpg' alt='Watch High Strung Online Facebook' title='Watch High Strung Online Facebook' />White Supremacist Threatens to Sue News Outlet Over Photoshopped Gun That He Tweeted a Month EarlierOne of Americas most famous internet grown white supremacists, Baked Alaska, has threatened to sue news outlet AJ Plus over a photo of him holding a gun. He says the image was photoshopped by the news organization. The only problem Baked Alaska tweeted the photo less than a month ago. Baked Alaska, whose real name is Tim Gionet, has been a key figure in organizing the new coalition of neo Nazis, Klansmen, and other white supremacists online. Some movies from the 1990s are still watchable today. However, there are more than a few that havent aged well at all. Here are the worst ones. Watch High Strung Online Facebook' title='Watch High Strung Online Facebook' />And he helped bring that online movement into the physical world on August 1. Charlottesville tiki torchlight rally and was scheduled to speak at the neo Nazi rally the following day. News outlet AJ Plus recently published a video about Gionet and his admiration for Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad, and used an image of Gionet holding a gun. But Gionet made the startling accusation that the news outlet had fabricated the photo. Gionet tweeted, Wow ajplus photoshopped a picture of me holding a gun calls me white supremacist, putting me in dangerBIG LAWSUIT comingMany of his supporters have called the image fake news and have sought to discredit the new organization over the photo. But the thing is, Gionet actually uploaded the photo on August 8, 2. Presumably Gionet created the image, though he has not responded to Gizmodos request for comment, calling Gizmodo a shit news outlet. Its unclear on what grounds Gionet would sue, but one possibility that has been raised by his supporters is defamation. But that would present the question of whether a photo you publish online of yourself could be considered defamatory in some bizarre way. Others have raised the possibility that Gionet could sue for being called a white supremacist. But then we start to get into questions of who gets to define the words we commonly ascribe to ideologies of hatred and bigotry. If you surround yourself with people doing Nazi salutes and chanting blood and soil, a famous Nazi slogan, can you claim that youre somehow not a neo Nazi Are you alt right just because you say you are Gionet, like so many members of the so called alt right, doesnt like being called a white supremacist or a neo Nazi. This, despite the fact that he spreads the same hate filled rhetoric as other neo Nazis by repeating the 1. Words, saying that the Holocaust is fake news, and attending rallies where he shouts hail victory, the English translation of sieg heil. So again, its unclear what Gionet would be able to sue AJ Plus over. There was a remarkable shift in the white supremacist community during the few days immediately following Heather Heyers death in Charlottesville. Many of those radicalized online were suddenly calling for non violence, even though they had previously said Hitler did nothing wrong. When Jason Kessler, the organizer of the Charlottesville rally, tweeted that Heyers death was payback time during a night of mixing alcohol with prescription drugs, other hardcore neo Nazis disavowed him. And Christopher Cantwell, now known as the crying Nazi even made a video about how he was afraid for his life. The macho white supremacist image faded quickly. But then President Trumps equivocating came into play the following Tuesday and the white supremacists were once again emboldened. Trump held an infamously combative press conference where he said that there were very fine people on both sides. And his Phoenix rally the following week was like a big green light for those who espouse hatred and bigotry throughout the country. Theyre trying to take away our culture. Theyre trying to take away our history, Trump said at his rally in Phoenix on August 2. And our weak leaders, they do it overnight. These things have been there for 1. You go back to a university and its gone. Weak, weak people. White supremacists on Twitter were particularly energized when Trump said the word Antifa, when describing the thugs who opposed him. Neo Nazis on Twitter have devoted an enormous amount of time and effort since Charlottesville to get those on the left to denounce the leaderless Antifa movement. And some of it has worked just as cynically as they had hoped, with spineless Democrats like Nancy Pelosi denouncing the anti fascists. White supremacists know they have an ally in the White House and now its an ally who pardons racist sheriffs like Joe Arpaio. Those who were ready to turn tail, previously deleting their social media accounts and softening their tone, found a second wind and a safe space in Donald Trumps words. Its unclear why Gionet would continue to claim that AJ Plus photoshopped that image of him when he tweeted it himself. But it seems unlikely that he wouldve been so emboldened without Donald Trump in the White House. Society will always have sad white men who blame racial minorities or women or Jews for their own frustrations in life. But its a terrifying change to see that represented so forcefully in the White House. Update 1. 0 3. 0 am The story has been updated to clarify that Gionet tweeted the image. Facebook shuts down Ex. JW group for Hate SpeechIn a disturbing move that could have worrying implications for wider Ex. JW and anti cult activism, it appears that Facebook has just shut down a pivotal activist Facebook page. The page in question is that of Avoid. JW. For those not familiar, Avoid. JW is the pseudonym for an ex. JW activist who has collected and hosted online an extensive library of Watchtower publications, letters and internal documents. Many of these documents expose how Watchtower is failing to act on child abuse, is misleading the public about shunning, and demonstrate how financially and mentally controlling the organisation really is. In other words, the site is a vital tool for exposing human rights abuses. Unsurprisingly, Avoid. JW has become a pivotal resource for the Ex. JW community, and for legal and journalistic professionals who wish to cut past the wall of silence that Watchtower often throws up over issues like child abuse and shunning, and access information that sheds light on what is really going on behind the religions closed doors. His online presence spans his original website, his twitter account and his Facebook group. At least it used to. Facebook has shut him down. Why is Facebook banning Ex. JW activists When I first heard of this, I thought that perhaps there was some copyright claim involved. Yet it appears that the reason Facebook has cited is not that of copyright violation,Astonishingly, it appears that the group was shut down under the vague and sweeping generalisation of hate speech. I spoke to Avoid. JW to try and find out what had happened. Firstly he set out why he created the website and what his goals are with his online presence When I started Avoid. JW in October 2. 01. I had no idea what the site was going to be. I just knew that people needed to avoid JWs if they wanted to have a happy life without having the religion interfere with their families. At that time, I didnt even know there were secret documents in terms of guidelines, handbooks and policy letters. I just thought that the religion was harming people through over reaching interference. It wasnt until March 2. I discovered secret documents. It was then that I realised what direction I needed to go with the website bring transparency to a highly secretive and extremely controlling organisation. So hardly the profile or goals of a rage fuelled, screaming hate preacher. Moving on, I asked about the circumstances leading up to the ban. How was Avoid. JW first notified by FacebookWas there a phonecall A web chat A detailed email allowing him to respond Astonishingly, no. He told me that Facebook pulled the plug on a vital Ex. JW resource with basically no warning and little explanation Facebook just gave a broad statement saying it broke one or more of its terms of service. It didnt cite a specific reason when deleting the page but when they initially suspended the page the reason given was hate speech. Hate Speech is a term usually reserved for people who actively call for the killing or abuse of others, such as extremist Islamist clerics who call for terror attacks, or race hate groups who call for exterminations and ethnic cleansing based on skin colour or racial background. I challenge anyone to look through the Avoid. JW website and find anything close to that kind of rhetoric. In fact, you can even look through the Facebook group, which is still viewable via the Google cache. It seems that an appeal to common sense should have resolved this issue, but what options are open to a Facebook group once they have been shut down without notice Avoid. JW explained his experience as follows The appeal process is a joke. You are told that to appeal, click this button. So you hit the appeal button at the bottom of the warning. When you do that, another message pops up. You have appealed on date. Well take another look. Thats as much of an appeal that you get. Astonishingly, in their appeal review, Facebook confirmed the original decision to shut the page down over accusations of Hate Speech. Avoid. JW was not contacted for his side of the story, or to give information to assist the appeal. Everything took place behind closed doors without his input and, eight hours later, a vital resource for recovering cult victims and anti cult activists was gone. Was Watchtower involvedThe appeals process gave no transparency as to the source of the complaint, and no indication if Facebook was acting of its own accord or in response to complaints from a third party. Avoid. JW, however, says he is fairly certain of what prompted this event Thankfully, Avoid. JW has been able to set up a new group, with the collaboration of fellow activists at JWAwake, so his hard work and activism can continue on the social medial site. Nonetheless, the entire incident is very disturbing. The irony is that, if anyone is committing online hate speech in this dispute, its Watchtower, with its calls for shunning of those who leave the faith, its demonisation of those who criticise its doctrines and its praise of genocide for non believers at Armageddon. Frankly, I dont support Facebook banning either Ex. JW or Pro Watchtower pages, and I dont like the casual way accusations of hate speech are being casually thrown around nowadays, but the appalling lack of ethical clarity here is dreadful. Facebook appear to have become, either by lazy moderation or deliberate choice, Watchtowers attack dog. This is why I am such a strong advocate for free speech, barring actual direct incitement to violence. Its very tempting to shut down speech or opinions you disagree with, or that you feel are dangerously wrongheaded, but the trend of censorship always has a way of backfiring, and this is a perfect example. Challenge speech you dont agree with. Debate ideas you think are wrong. Expose and ridicule something you perceive to be hate speech. But when we give authorities the power to crush speech we dislike, sooner or later those authorities always come for our speech too. Facebook has a huge amount of power in the matter of online free speech, and to see it slipping more and more into the role of a religious policeman is extremely disturbing. Follow me on twitter covertfade. Follow JW Survey on twitter jwsurveyorg. Raiders!: The Story Of The Greatest Fan Film Ever Made Full Movie In English. Follow Avoid. JW on twitter avoidjw.