Watch The Rover Online Mic

Audi rover mission to the moon in 2. Apollo 1. 7's lunar rover - abandoned on the moon in 1. Next year, a private lunar lander will head to the moon's surface carrying two Audi lunar rovers. The rovers will head to the Apollo landing site to investigate how the old Apollo equipment has fared after nearly half a century in the vacuum of space. The private company creating the rovers hopes their budget mission will eventually make trips to the moon commercially viable. Scroll down for video Scientists sponsored by Audi and Vodafone are planning to send a lander to investigate the Apollo 1.

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HOW CLOSE WILL IT GET? The Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module (ALINA) will touch down 2 to 3 miles from the touch down site of Apollo 1. Taurus- Littrow valley in 1. In accordance with Nasa preservation guidelines, the PT Scientists' vehicles cannot land any closer than 1. Apollo site. Researchers from PT Scientists say the two rovers will send live HD pictures to Earth as they travel to within 2. Apollo rover, left on the lunar surface in 1.

Now Playing: Your Google Assistant. Android TV now comes with your Google Assistant built in. Just say “Ok Google,” or press the mic button on your remote to. Looking forward to retirement! Prince Philip parks up in his Land Rover Discovery to watch carriage driving trials. The Duke of Edinburgh observed the carriage trials.

The rovers will travel to the moon on board one of Space. X's Falcon 9 rockets – a place on which cost £1.

In comparison, the average cost for Nasa to launch a space shuttle is £3. Speaking to The Times, Robert Boehme, CEO of PT Scientists, said: 'At the moment no company considers doing anything in deep space.'Earthbound space exploration has been lucrative since the 1. But we as mankind need to go out further.'How do we make it possible that this is something you could make a living out of?'PT Scientists believe that making space exploration cheaper is the way forward. Mr Boehme said: 'Why the hell is it so complicated and expensive?'What could we do differently than all those skilled engineers at Nasa? They're so much better, have fancy white coats, and they're awesome.'The problem is they reinvent the wheel every time.'Let's say Nasa needs an on- surface communications link. The first thing they do is develop the most perfect communications link there is.

The rovers will travel to the moon on board one of Space. X's Falcon 9 rockets, before navigating to the Apollo 1. THE APOLLO 1. 7 MOON ROVER The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was an electric vehicle designed to operate in the low- gravity vacuum of the Moon and to traversing the lunar surface, allowing the Apollo astronauts to extend the range of their surface extravehicular activities.

Charlie Pierce on all this ESPN nonsense and newspapering and what not is so fantastic and I’m bitter we didn’t run it. Go check it out. [SI]. Apollo 17's lunar rover - abandoned on the moon in 1972 - will soon get its first visitor in 46 years. Next year, a private lunar lander will head to the moon's. Watch the latest Featured Videos on View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest in-depth coverage from our news team.

Watch The Rover Online Mic

Trevor Noah and The Best F#@king News Team tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and pop culture.

Three of them were driven on the Moon -  one on Apollo 1. David Scott and Jim Irwin, one on Apollo 1.

John Young and Charles Duke, and one on Apollo 1. Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt. The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was an electric vehicle designed to operate in the low- gravity vacuum of the Moon and to traversing the lunar surface, allowing the Apollo astronauts to extend the range of their surface extravehicular activities.

On Apollo 1. 7 the rover went 3. The longest traverse was 2. LM was 7. 6 km. The Lunar Roving Vehicle had a mass of 2. The frame was made of aluminum and the chassis was hinged in the center so it could be folded up and hung in the Lunar Module quad 1 bay. The frame was 3. 1 meters long with a wheelbase of 2. The frame was made of aluminum and the chassis was hinged in the center so it could be folded up and hung in the Lunar Module quad 1 bay.

It had two side- by- side foldable seats made of tubular aluminum with nylon webbing and aluminum floor panels. An armrest was mounted between the seats, and each seat had adjustable footrests and a velcro seatbelt. Eugene Cernan walks toward the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) near the U. S. flag at the Taurus- Littrow landing site of Apollo 1. The photograph was taken by astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt, lunar module pilot. Cernan was the last human being to step on the moon as he was entered the Lunar Module after Schmitt for the return flight to earth. A large mesh dish antenna was mounted on a mast on the front center of the rover.

A T- shaped hand controller situated between the two seats controlled the four drive motors, two steering motors and brakes. Harrison Schmitt of Apollo 1. Lunar Rover proved to be the reliable, safe and flexible lunar exploration vehicle we expected it to be. 'Without it, the major scientific discoveries of Apollo 1. Then, separately, the European Space Agency develops a European Space Agency solution.'Commercial organisations then look at what they've done and realise it's too expensive.'But PT Scientists believes that simpler communications equipment – not dissimilar from technology used in phones – could be used on missions, at a fraction of the cost.

The firm has also recycled equipment used to supply the International Space Station to slash costs. The rover is powered by an adjustable solar panel that captures sunlight and directs it to a lithium- ion battery. It feeds four electric wheel hub motors. AUDI'S MOON ROVER SPECIFICATIONS The rover is powered by an adjustable solar panel that captures sunlight and directs it to a lithium- ion battery. It feeds four electric wheel hub motors. The theoretical maximum speed is 2. It carries two stereoscopic cameras at the front and a scientific camera to study the surface.

Overall it has a total weight of 7. Mr Boehme said: 'What I want to achieve is letting people focus on the real goals.'If someone wants to mine the moon, they should focus on where to go, which mountain to look at.'Not how to communicate over 4. The initial mission, which could win the $3. Google Lunar X Prize, involves landing their Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module (ALINA) lander 2 to 3 miles from the touch down site of Apollo 1.

Taurus- Littrow valley in 1. The lander will then deploy two rovers that will travel towards the site, to within 2.

Apollo rover and inspect it remotely. However, in accordance with Nasa preservation guidelines, the PT Scientists' vehicles cannot land any closer than 1. Apollo site. It is hoped the probes will be able to scan the Apollo vehicle and assess its condition, including any possible damage caused by intense radiation, extreme temperatures, and micro- meteorites. At the Apollo 1. The image also show where the astronauts placed some of the scientific instruments that provided the first insight into the moon's environment and interior. PT Scientists also has aspirations beyond the moon, in particular Phobos, the larger of the two moons of Mars, according to Space News.'Phobos is a very nice outpost to Mars,' Mr Boehme said, adding that such a mission was only a long- term goal for the team. 'It's a very far- fetched vision.' Audi gave an excited audience the first views of its moon rover (pictured) at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit The Audi Lunar Quattro uses the firm's Quattro all- wheel- drive system. According to the engineering team behind the rover, Audi has helped it to perfect a 3. D- printing process to manufacturer the vehicle from titanium and aluminium. A working party of ten Audi employees from different technical departments is assisting PT Scientists.

GOOGLE'S LUNAR X PRIZE The $3. More than half of the world's population has never had the opportunity to view a live transmission from the lunar surface,' say the organisers. The prize aims to create a new 'Apollo' moment for this generation and to spur continuous lunar exploration. In order to win this money, a private company must land safely on the surface of the Moon, travel 1,6.

Earth. Audi has said that along with its knowledge of lightweight design, it has expertise about the quattro permanent all- wheel drive system and the electrical e- tron drive system. The manufacturer states the goal is to 'further enhance performance by making additional improvements to the electric motors, power electronics and battery.' The luxury car manufacturer added it will be able to provide experience with lightweight materials, electric mobility and piloted driving, ahead of the rover's launch. Watch To Kill A Mockingbird Online Freeform. The rover is powered by an adjustable solar panel that captures sunlight and directs it to a lithium- ion battery.

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