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Anonymous(Reply)Anonymous (ha)As for revealing myself, I don’t see how that would benefit anyone. Given the automatic negative response, most people would rather be emotional about it than talk rationally about it.

Without revealing too much, I can say that I’m not one of the old dudes you see cruising around these places. I’m just another young traveler, with a curiosity for the world.

Oh, and, for the record, I’ve never had any trouble attracting gorgeous girls, whether in the Philippines, or in a Western country. I definitely agree that I came across too cavalier and relaxed about the whole thing.

Now, for the juice. Of course, not all Filipinas are like this. I didn’t intend to generalize. However, it’s probably fair to say that the majority of them are. The Filipinas who have the affluence to post online about it represent a TINY minority of the 1. Philippines. I generalized. Watch Free Online Mistresses Season 1. A lot. Sorry about that.

But once we get passed the generalization, I think that this is a very interesting issue. For example, think about the economics of prostitution. If you could flip a switch and eliminate prostitution in an instant, would you do it? If so, you’d be responsible for an economic disaster and MILLIONS of deaths. Many of these girls send money home to their families. If you take away prostitution (or refuse to engage), you’re not necessarily improving their lives. In fact, you’re making it harder for their father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters, etc, to survive.

London Victoria station is the second busiest London terminus. 85 million passengers use London Victoria each year and passenger numbers continue to soar.

So if you eliminate prostitution, who’s going to support their family – YOU? Prostitution is responsible for a HUGE transfer of wealth from the west to the eat. In the local tourist town where I am, I’d estimate at least $1. USD worth of prostituion goes through the town every month.

Add on to that all the money spent on hotels, tourist activities, food, by people who come for the girls. You’re looking at maybe $5. USD monthly, and that’s just the local town. A large amount of that money will then be sent home to the provinces (by the girls), spent in the local stores, and otherwise invested in the Philippines.(of course, my numbers are far from scientific, but I hope you get my point. A LOT of money)When you look at it this way, you could almost argue that it’s better to engage in prostitution than not engage in it. I mean, all the people who take the moral highground and belittle the people that do it, how are they solving the issue? What value are they creating for the world?

Except for a little bit of noise in the blogosphere, I think these people are doing very little. Please note that I am not saying that this makes prostitution moral or ethical, or that I’m some saint (I’m not) but that prostitution is much more of a grey area than most people seem to think. Suppose I were to take the moral high ground and refuse to pay for sex in the Philippines.

Who would that help? It certainly wouldn’t help the girls who need to send money to their families. And it wouldn’t help me either, unless I was trying to absolve my guilt or fix my conscience.

What I’m trying to say is that it’s not as simple as simply abstaining. Of course, there are legitimate issues facing the sex trade industry, such as drug use, trafficking, etc. These are workplace issues, and they do not automatically mean prostitution is wrong. It’s easy to make assumptions about these girls. Hell, that’s what I did in the article. I wrote that a few months ago, and naturally, I’ve modified my understanding in a few ways. In some cases, the deal is a complete transaction.

You pay for the sex and the girl spreads her legs. But it also works the other way too. Many of the girls will only go with guys they like. That’s right – they’ll only go with guys they’re attracted to.

Therefore, for some girls, you do need to be cool. Also, some of the girls seem to hate their jobs. They do it because they have to, or because they’re forced too. But you know what? Some do it because they LOVE it.

Think about it. Every night, they get to party, have sex, and drink. This isn’t an assumption.

This was confirmed with conversations with a number of girls. One girl didn’t need to work. Her step- father had enough money, but she hated asking him for money, or being dependent upon him. So she worked as a prostitute.

This was also one of the girls who was selective about who she went with. I’m a pretty good judge of character, and this wasn’t some cooked- up story to make me believe something that wasn’t true. It’s also quite funny if you go to these bars alone. If you go alone, the implication is that you’ve got no friends, and are therefore not cool. Surprisingly, the girls tend to avoid you. This is almost identical to going to a dance club in a Western city.

If you go by yourself, you’re going to look like a loser. If you go with a big group of friends, you’ll be considered popular and hence attract more attention. I find it fascinating that a concept like social proof even applies with prostitutes. That suggests to me that it is not as simple as a transaction. Of course, it is a transaction, but in many cases, it’s a lot more than a transaction.

These girls are people, like all of us, and they want the same things, to be loved and understood. If you’re decent- looking, cool and kind, you’ll find that you naturally attract these girls, just like you would in the west. Anyway, this is getting pretty damn long.

The reason I replied is because most people have an automatic response to these things. If you have never experienced a culture like this, it will be impossible to understand. If you have ever been travelling for a long time, you’ll remember the blank stares you get when you try to explain your adventures back home. People listen for the first two minutes, then they lose interest.

They can’t understand what you’ve been doing. The point of my reply is that prostitution is a grey issue (like nearly everything in life). Simply abstaining from it and taking the moral or ethical highground solves very few problems.

Conversely, engaging in prostitution actually contributes value to their lives (if only monetary). There is also a wide range of guys that these girls have sex with. Sure, there’s the typical bad boy who doesn’t give a shit about the girls. Then there’s really, really, nice guys who go to great lengths to ensure the girl is comfortable, happy, etc, etc. I don’t think many people will “get it”, but meh. If you open your eyes, most people are pretty uptight about sex. That’s why I think this blog is so popular.

People tend to avoid sex, that’s why this blog is a breath of fresh air (which I’m sure you’ll all agree on). If you ask me, the solution the prostitution isn’t in abstaining from it. Maybe it will always exist. Or maybe, prostitution is simply a side- effect of a developing economy. If that is the case, then you’ll find prostitution slowly disappears as the worldwide standard of living rises.

On another note, a FANTASTIC book on the origins of sex and how unnatural we’ve made it is SEX AT DAWN. Read that book. It will change your life.