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Is there a desert you wouldnt walk across to spend five minutes with either of these beauties In appreciation for your help, I invite to watch videos of this. Fayettes News, Sports and Information Leader. WLDX Presents. Guy Penrod, Christmas More Tour By WLDXSunday, December 1. Watch Union Square Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch Union Square Online Hollywoodreporter' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Vampyyripivkirjat engl. The Vampire Diaries on yhdysvaltalainen Kevin Williamsonin L. J. Smithin samannimiseen kirjasarjaan perustuva kauhufantasiasarja. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Trump bumps The new normal for players like Stephen Colbert, Anderson Cooper, Alec Baldwin and Megyn Kelly on THRs annual list setting the news agenda, sparking. Blessed are the peacemakersbut who can say this of Congress whose hostility to the world comes near the devil himself. And now with its antiRussia, anti. Earl Mc. Donald Auditorium on the campus of Bevill State Community College, Fayette, ALPurchase your tickets today by visiting http www. V. I. P. Tickets can be purchased at WLDX Studios located at 7. Columbus Street East in Fayette. Posted 2. 01. 7 1. Last Updated 2. 01. WLDX Presents. The Stephens wspecial guest, Shannon Knight. By WLDXWLDX Presents. The Stephens with special guest, Shannon Knight Saturday, September 2nd, 2. Door open at 5pm, Concert at 6pm. Free Concert Posted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. Missing Fayette Boater. Found. By WLDXHALEYVILLE, AL WCBI The body of a Fayette, Alabama man has been recovered 1. Bear Creek Lake. The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Marine Patrol and local search and rescue teams found the body of 6. Robert Lane Kemp just after 5 3. Thursday morning. Kemp had been missing since he fell out of a boat July 1. Upper Bear Creek Lake near Haleyville. The investigation into the boating accident continues. Posted 2. 01. 7 0. Last Updated 2. 01. The River Is Here By WLDXAs of July 1. WLDX is now The River, playing a blend of Southern Gospel Light Contemporary Christian music New programming is on the way as well We are on the fast track to becoming Fayette Countys Christian Connection Posted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. WLDX GETS A MAKEOVERBy WLDXPress Release As of July 1, 2. WLDX Radio, Fayette, Alabama is under the lease management of Hometown Radio Partnership. Hometown Radio Partnership consists of a partnership between Dewayne Guyton and Jonathan Holmes. De. Wayne has been with WLDX since 2. Nikita Season 1 Free Download. At Your Service and Office Manager. Jonathan, originally from Fayette, is the General Manager of WFCA, French Camp Christian Academys on site radio station in French Camp, MS. Together, De. Wayne and Jonathan have a combined experience of over 5. Since 2. 01. 3, WLDX has played a mixed format of Southern Gospel from 6am 1. Country music. Beginning, July 1. WLDX will take on a new identity. The format will change to 2. Christian Broadcasting and identify as AM9. WLDX The River. The primary existing programs, Morning Call At Your Service will remain in their original forms with additional programming soon to come including Inspirational Insights, a devotional program featuring a variety of local pastors from the area, A Good News Moment featuring a positive news story, certain to inspire, A Moment For Your Health, a short piece that gives you a daily dose of fitness and health advice, and a whole lot more. We believe the future holds big plans, as we are in the process of bringing the addition of an FM frequency to WLDX and Fayette County. It is our goal to place WLDX in the forefront of local events and bring a positive change to our community in further becoming Fayette Countys daily resource for local news, sports information while providing the best mix of Southern Gospel and Light Contemporary Christian music, as well as, offering inspirational programming to lift the spirits of our friends and neighbors. We look forward to our growth in the community and impacting Fayette County in a positive, encouraging and uplifting manner. Feel free to share this with your friends. Get the word out and pray for God to be glorified in every aspect of our new journey. Thank you all Posted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department Receives Donation. By De. Wayne G. Guyton. About 5 months ago, Robert Mallory set out to improve the Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department located in the Canaan Community of Fayette County. At that time, they were operating with a 1. Their main pumper was a 1. Ford that only pumped from one side and had constant transmission issues along with a water leak that forbid holding more than one half tank of water. Mallory began sending out letters using a boundary from Nashville, TN to New Orleans, La to Mobile, Al and getting nowhere quickly. One day, he decided to focus on the larger cities here in Alabama to see what was available. Birmingham, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Montgomery and Mobile had nothing in surplus. Frustrated at the amount of work being placed and going nowhere, Mallory remembered hed forgotten one particular Alabama City. Decatur. He sent an email to the Mayor, Tab Bolling who then forwarded the email to the Decatur City Fire Cheif, Tony Grande. Mallory was then informed there was, indeed, a truck that had been taken out of service and was being held in surplus. Grande was open about other departments whod inquired about purchasing the vehicle for their own departments. Mallory informed Grande that Stonewall VFD was a small rural department with very little cash and pleaded with him the possibility of the City of decatur donating the apparatus. Over a period of 4 months, Mallory remained in tough with Grande and Bolling and even sent letters to the Decatur City Council pleading with them to help Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department, who was struggling to keep their community Fire Department alive and running. The Decatur City Council held a vote on May 1st to decide which city would receive the5. May 2nd, Robert Mallory received the news of a unanimous vote, 5 0, in favor of Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department recieving the truck as a donation to help the Canaan Comunity ine keeping them safe as well as seeing a reduction in their home insurance by living in a community that is now up to par on Fire Safety. Mallory and other members of the Stonewall Volunteer Fire Department made the trip the following Thursday to meet with the Fire Officials and the City Council to take ownership of their new fire truck. A Good News Story by AM9. WLDX De. Wayne G. Guyton. Posted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. By Posted 2. 01. Last Updated 2. Radio Ads Work By WLDXRadio Ads Work If youd like to expand your business by advertising to our listeners, please call today Rates are extrememly affordable and the most competitive in the regionCall De. Wayne today at 2. Sponsorships are available for our premium programs. We also have slots available to get your church service on the air Call for more information Posted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. FROG LEVEL IS UPON USBy WLDXThe Alabama Frog Level Festival Cruise In, Sponsored by the Fayette Area Chamber of Commerce will take place Friday, September 3. Saturday, October 1st in Downtown Fayette. Schedule of Events Friday, Sept. Local Talent. 5pm Fish and Shrimp Fry. Chase Evan. 7pm Chris Simmons Band. Mojo Trio. Saturday, Oct 1st. Cruise In Car Show Begins. CJ Harris. 10am Frog Jumping Contest. C Plus Band. 1pm Cruise In winner Presentations. Bamas CloggersLine Dancers. Lauren Brooke. 3pm Local Talentthere will also be the Frog Level Express Train, Arts Crafts and Food Vendors. Posted 2. 01. 6 0. Last Updated 2. 01. By WLDXPosted 2. Last Updated 2. By WLDXPosted 2. Last Updated 2. Want To Increase Your Business By WLDXRadio Ads Work Wanna get the word out about your business Give us a call Prices are more affordable than any other means of commerical advertising in Fayette County Call today for more information Call Dewayne at 2. Posted 2. 01. 6 0. Last Updated 2. 01. Happy New Year By WLDXPosted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. Merry Christmas By WLDXPosted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. Fayette Tigers State 4. A Runner Up By WLDXCongratulations to the Fayette County Tigers for their hard played effort in the 4. A Championship Game Fayette County was well represented by a grop of fine young men with hubleness and pure class Were proud of you boysPosted 2. Last Updated 2. 01. High School Football Is HereBy WLDXFayette County High School Football Schedule. Date Opponent. Winfield HOME82. Gordo HOME94 Hamilton Hamilton, AL91. Haleyville HOME91. Danville Danville, AL92. Cullman Cullman, AL1. Carbon Hill HOME1. Curry Jasper, AL1. Cordova HOME1. 02. The Hobbit film series Wikipedia. This article is about the film franchise released between 2. For other films based on The Hobbit, see Middle earth in film. The Hobbit is a film series consisting of three high fantasyadventure films directed by Peter Jackson. They are based on the 1. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, with large portions of the trilogy inspired by the appendices to The Return of the King, which expand on the story told in The Hobbit, as well as new material and characters written especially for the films. Together they act as a prequel to Jacksons The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. The films are subtitled An Unexpected Journey 2. The Desolation of Smaug 2. The Battle of the Five Armies 2. The screenplay was written by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Jackson, and Guillermo del Toro, who was originally chosen to direct before his departure from the project. The films take place in the fictional world of Middle earth sixty years before the beginning of The Lord of the Rings, and follow hobbit. Bilbo Baggins Martin Freeman, who is convinced by the wizard. Gandalf the Grey Ian Mc. Kellen to accompany thirteen dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield Richard Armitage, on a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from the dragon. Smaug voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. The films also expand upon certain elements from the novel and other source material, such as Gandalfs investigation at Dol Guldur, and the pursuit of Azog and Bolg, who seek vengeance against Thorin and his ancestors. The films feature an ensemble cast that also includes James Nesbitt, Ken Stott, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace and Luke Evans, with several actors reprising their roles from The Lord of the Rings, including Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Elijah Wood and Andy Serkis. The films also feature Manu Bennett, Sylvester Mc. Coy, Stephen Fry, Mikael Persbrandt, Barry Humphries, and Lawrence Makoare. Also returning for production, among others, were illustrators John Howe and Alan Lee, art director Dan Hennah, cinematographer Andrew Lesnie, and composer Howard Shore, while props were again crafted by Weta Workshop, with visual effects managed by Weta Digital. The first film in the series premiered at the Embassy Theatre in Wellington, New Zealand on 2. November 2. 01. 2. One hundred thousand people lined the red carpet on Courtenay Place, and the entire event was broadcast live on television in New Zealand and streamed over the Internet. The second film of the series premiered at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California on 2 December 2. The third and final film premiered at Leicester Square in London on 1 December 2. The series was a major financial success, with the films classified as one of the highest grossing film series of all time, going on to outgross The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. Although critically considered to be inferior to The Lord of the Rings, it was nominated for various awards and won several, though not as many as its predecessor. DevelopmenteditFirst stages of developmenteditJackson and Walsh originally expressed interest in filming The Hobbit in 1. The Lord of the Rings. Frustration arose when Jacksons producer, Harvey Weinstein, discovered that Saul Zaentz had production rights to The Hobbit, but that distribution rights still belonged to United Artists which had kept those rights, believing that filmmakers would prefer to adapt The Hobbit rather than The Lord of the Rings. The United Artists studio and its parent corporation Metro Goldwyn Mayer was for sale in 2. Weinsteins attempts to buy the movie rights from the studio were unsuccessful. Weinstein asked Jackson to press on with adapting The Lord of the Rings. Ultimately, The Lord of the Rings was produced by New Line Cinema, not the Weinsteins, and their rights to film The Hobbit were set to expire in 2. In September 2. 00. Metro Goldwyn Mayer expressed interest in teaming up with New Line and Jackson to make The Hobbit. In March 2. 00. 5, Jackson launched a lawsuit against New Line, claiming he had lost revenue from merchandising, video and computer games releases associated with The Fellowship of the Ring. He did not seek a specific settlement, but requested an audit to see whether New Line had withheld money owed him. Although Jackson wanted it settled before he would make the film,1. New Line would still let him make The Hobbit. New Line co founder Robert Shaye was annoyed with the lawsuit and said in January 2. Jackson would never again direct a film for New Line, accusing him of being greedy. MGM boss Harry Sloan halted development, as he wanted Jackson to be involved. By August, after a string of flops, Shaye tried to repair his relationship with the director. He said, I really respect and admire Peter and would love for him to be creatively involved in some way in The Hobbit. The following month, New Line was fined 1. On 1. 6 December 2. New Line and MGM announced that Jackson would be executive producer of The Hobbit and its sequel. The two studios would co finance the film and the latter studio via 2. Century Fox would distribute the film outside North AmericaNew Lines first ever such deal with another major studio. Each films budget was estimated at US1. US9. 4 million budget for each of the films in Jacksons Lord of the Rings trilogy. After completion of the merger of New Line Cinema with Warner Bros. February 2. 00. 8, the two parts were announced as scheduled for release in December 2. Producer Mark Ordesky, the executive producer of The Lord of the Rings, planned to return to supervise the prequels. Jackson explained he chose not to direct because it would have been unsatisfying to compete with his previous films. In February 2. 00. Tolkien Estate through The Tolkien Trust, a British charity and Harper. Collins Publishers filed a suit against New Line for breach of contract and fraud and demanded 2. The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The suit claimed New Line had only paid the Estate an upfront fee of 6. The suit claimed the Estate was entitled to 7. Tolkien films, as established by prior deals. The suit also sought to block the filming of The Hobbit. The suit was settled in September 2. However the Tolkien Trusts 2. New Line Cinema of 2. US3. 8 million. This amount was the Trusts estimated share in respect of the gross profit participation due for the films based on The Lord of the Rings. Christopher Tolkien said The trustees regret that legal action was necessary but are glad that this dispute has been settled on satisfactory terms that will allow the Tolkien Trust properly to pursue its charitable objectives. The trustees acknowledge that New Line may now proceed with its proposed film of The Hobbit. Development with del ToroeditGuillermo del Toro was originally set to direct the film, but left because of ongoing delays. Jackson stated that del Toros creative DNA would remain in the scripts and designs. Despite the legal suits, development proceeded and in April 2. Guillermo del Toro was hired to direct the film. Del Toro has said he was a fan of Jacksons trilogy and had discussed directing a film adaptation of Halo with him in 2. Though that project stalled, they kept in contact. In a 2. 00. 6 interview, del Toro was quoted saying I dont like little guys and dragons, hairy feet, hobbits,. I dont like sword and sorcery, I hate all that stuff. After he signed on to direct in April 2. Del Toro posted on The. One. Ring. net forums that he had been enchanted by The Hobbit as a child, but found that Tolkiens other books contained geography and genealogy too complex for my prepubescent brain. In taking the job of director, del Toro was now reading like a madman to catch up with a whole new land, a continent of sortsa cosmology created by brilliant philologist turned Shaman.