The Crimson Field, Episode 3
Lightsaber . Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age. Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt. It was a weapon that required skill and training, and was greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the Force. Though also used by the Sith, the lightsaber was synonymous with the Jedi, with some in the galaxy believing only Jedi used lightsabers. A lightsaber could cut through virtually anything, from enemies to blast doors. The only ways to block the incoming attack of a lightsaber was with a weapon made with material that conducts energy, such as an electrostaff, Z6 riot control baton, or simply another lightsaber.
The Corbynite Manoeuvre Posted by: Jack Graham 3 days, 5 hours ago Okay, first let me apologise for the paucity of long-form written pieces here at Shabgraff. The Emperor's Royal Guard, sometimes referred to as the Imperial Royal Guard or Imperial Guard, was an elite unit of the Galactic Empire's armed forces (specifically. The Invasion of Time is the sixth and final serial of the 15th season in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in six. Great to see the guys having some fun in CARS!' Tweeted @MrServerError. Another, @miraimatt, wrote: Sohrab and Rustum. Poems; A New Edition. Matthew Arnold. The Poems of Matthew Arnold, 1840-1867. King crimson - red lp + download postcard n.

When used defensively, a Force- sensitive could deflect blaster bolts with a lightsaber, and with skill, could even reflect the shots back toward the shooter or some other target. Experienced Jedi could even employ their lightsabers to absorb Force lightning. Most practitioners used one single- bladed lightsaber, though some used double- bladed lightsabers or even multiple lightsabers at once. They were also used in the Battles of Rashfond and the Peacekeeping of Parliock. Jedi, previously peacekeepers, became Jedi Generals of the Grand Army of the Republic, and thus began using their lightsabers more often than they had in their role of peacekeeping. For the majority of the reign of the Empire, the only lightsaber that was prominently used was that of Darth Vader, and, in its waning years, that of Luke Skywalker.
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These, however, were massacred by Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren, once again leading to a time where the only prominent lightsaber user was a darksider. Some hilts were even crafted of gems. Whilst in areas of low light, a lightsaber could easily function as a light source, demonstrated by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi- Wan Kenobi, and Savage Opress. You're not fighting with a simple blade as much as you are directing a current of power. The power of the energy blade was so great that it could cut through almost anything. One important note about lightsaber wounds is that they rarely bled profusely, even when a limb had been severed. This is because the energy blade cauterized the wound as it passed, and thus even a severe wound did not tend to bleed heavily.
As it is the standard make, it has no defining features other than details on individual hilts, as each weapon is often self- fabricated by the wielder and customized to suit their specifications. Most saberstaff hilts were of increased length, as they usually consisted of two separate lightsabers connected at the pommels. Unlike a saberstaff, however, the hilt was as long as a single- bladed lightsaber, with a circular rim that, when activated, could spin the blades along a track. This was usually done to allow the hilt to fit better into the palm, facilitating the use of one- handed fighting styles such as Form II, or to provide variable blade angle to confuse opponents. Only one example is known to have existed.
In combat, the handle would be detached from the body of the cane and wielded normally. Tera Sinube wielded such a weapon, as did Maul, though his was a saberstaff concealed in the head of a cane. As their name indicates, training lightsabers were used for instructional purposes, teaching initiates how to wield a lightsaber. Featuring a shortened blade length and diminutive handle. Shotos were usually used as the secondary weapon in dual- blade combat.

Shotos were also used as primary weapons by some duelists, most who did so being of diminuative size, making a full sized lightsaber impractical, though this is not always the case. Master Yoda is an example of this. The Darksaber. Darksaber. One Piece Episode 49 here. This ancient lightsaber had a unique black blade that was flattened and came to a point like a traditional sword, rather than the rounded beam of more standard lightsabers. Throughout the millennia, many combat styles were refined into the seven . During the ceremony, a Padawan would have his or her Padawan braid ritualistically severed by the presiding Jedi Master. The Master would then motion the blade near each of the Padawan's shoulders and say .
When he began conceiving Star Wars, he wished to include swords, creating the . Early concept art depicts lightsabers being wielded by Rebel and Imperial soldiers alike. George Lucas later limited the lightsabers to exclusively the Jedi in order to make them feel more unusual, and heighten the mystique of the Jedi. Aside from this single instance, there are no crystals mentioned in any of the movies or their novelizations.
The handle grips were made with T- shaped pieces of plastic from sliding glass cabinet windows and, contrary to popular belief, were not made with rubber windshield wipers. D- rings were attached to the bottoms of the units so that they could be worn on belts. Obi- Wan Kenobi's lightsaber was the most complex hilt at the time. It was assembled from parts of an Armitage Shanks Starlite model Handwheel, Browning ANM2 machine gun booster, WWI No.
Mk. 1 British Rifle Grenade and a Rolls- Royce Derwent Mk. Mk. 9 Jet Engine Balance Pipe. During the filming of A New Hope, the blade was made of a three- sided rod covered with reflective material.
The rod was then rapidly spun by a compact motor in the hilt, reflecting the lights on set and creating an in- camera glowing effect. However, these props were highly limited; they were cumbersome and fragile, often breaking during fight scenes. Also, the glowing effect was not absolute, as whenever the blade moved out of the light or pointed more directly at the camera the glow disappeared and the actual spinning rod could be seen. In order to partially compensate for this loss of the effect, the blade was rotoscoped and an animated glow was added by tracing onto a blown- up copy of the frame with pen and colored ink, one frame at a time. It was at this phase that blades were given colors, as the props were simple white blades. While these new blades were less cumbersome than before, they were still very fragile and frequently broke.
However, they continued to be used for Return of the Jedi. However, for the filming of Revenge of the Sith, the blades were replaced by carbon fiber rods laminated with glass and plastic. These new props were highly durable and didn't flex, though they were extremely hard, often causing bruising and leaving scars. While lightsaber effects were still done by rotoscoping for the prequels, they were done digitally, rather than by hand. In behind the scenes footage, it was revealed that the actors were using blades similar to the ones made by Master Replicas. This color difference was a decision during post- production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white.
In Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly- constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re- release posters. In the same regard, red became the standard Sith lightsaber. Mace Windu's purple lightsaber, as first seen in Attack of the Clones, was a personal request from actor Samuel L. Jackson as a way to make his character stand out among other Jedi.
Jackson's favorite color is purple and he frequently requests the characters he plays to use an item of the color in his movies. In addition, there are yellow, white (like Ahsoka Tano's dual lightsabers) and black, with the latter two being the rarest in the series thus far. As Jedi and their Sith counterparts were heavily inspired by samurai, the fighting styles utilized were based more on kendo. Anderson continued to serve as Prowse's fighting double during the filming of Return of the Jedi.
Emperor's Royal Guard . His entire goal in life is to serve the Emperor, and the New Order he created. This is his goal in life, and his desire in death. Palpatine was almost never seen without a detachment of Royal Guards at his side, so much that they usually accompanied him to his bed chambers and his office within the Death Star. The exact number of Royal Guardsmen serving the Emperor was unknown, with speculations ranging from less than fifty to tens of thousands, although their numbers were estimated to be at least four hundred at any one point. Like the stormtroopers of the Stormtrooper Corps, the Royal Guards formed a military unit independent of the Imperial Military and answered directly to the Emperor.
Candidates for tutelage under the Academy, picked from various units in the Imperial Military, underwent rigorous training programs designed to build a sense of extreme loyalty to the Emperor, with students often being forced to kill each other in live combat. Guardsmen were trained in various forms of martial arts, including Echani. Guardsmen were commonly equipped with vibroswords and force pikes, in addition to heavy blaster pistols for ranged combat.
Following the first death of the Emperor during the Battle of Endor, the unit, without a leader, was scattered for several years. However, during the Emperor's subsequent reincarnations in the form of cloned bodies, the unit was reconvened on Byss, fighting for the reborn Palpatine and being nearly destroyed by the destruction of Byss by the Galaxy Gun and Palpatine's flagship, the Eclipse II. When a member of the unit, Carnor Jax, was implicated by Palpatine's personal physician with ensuring the failure of his clone bodies in a bid to become Emperor, he led a slaughter of the unit's survivors on Yinchorr, leaving only Kir Kanos. Jax made a bid for the empty throne previously held by Palpatine before being assassinated by Kanos, whose undying loyalty to the Emperor and his ideals led him on a crusade to murder anyone involved with his death.
They would instantly turn against one another if commanded to do so and killed their fellow guardsmen without hesitation though they did feel remorse for doing so. They were so well trained that even when injured, they did not ask for mercy and none was afforded to them. Despite this loyalty, some guardsmen were known to gain their own ambitions as well as motives to the point that they plotted treasonous actions against the Emperor and even their comrades. All that was ultimately known was that they were a potent sub- unit within the Imperial military that was under the direct service of the Emperor. This task was considered the most prestigious and was usually reserved for the Sovereign Protectors.
The penalty for failing to protect their liege is a slow and painful death, although in some cases, such as the events of the Heinsnake plot, they are dispatched quickly by being thrown out of a window if there was no time for such a measure. Watch From The Dark Putlocker# more. However, if they were to admit their failures as well as kneel, they can be spared under the condition that they set out to redeem themselves by finding out who was responsible as well as making sure that the Emperor got to safety and/or making sure no one found out what had transpired. In addition, Palpatine was known to loan detachments of the guard to his most trusted servants though many were not sure whether this was to genuinely protect their charges or to keep an eye on them for any signs of disloyalty. Instead, a few small elements of Royal Guardsmen were sent into combat on a rotating basis to keep them in fighting trim, appearing as and working alongside the usual stormtroopers. This meant that they were never dispersed among the ordinary army units. Part of the reason for doing so was because the Emperor did not feel it wise to limit the aspirations as well as ambitions of his subjects. Thus, he created near unattainable goals in order to watch his servants struggle in order to reach them and thus keep better control over them.
This meant that by constantly creating more and more circles of elite status, he kept his followers constantly motivated and determined to push themselves in order to achieve these new positions. They were evident for being based on the Royal Guard and wore black versions of their uniform though they made use of lightsaber pikes as their primary weapons. The Shadow Guard were rarely seen in public and dispatched on missions that were directed by the Emperor himself. Some of its members were being trained to serve as Palpatine's personal bodyguards. Once identified, these guardsmen were taken to be trained in the use of the Dark side of the Force which they received on worlds such as Prakith where they were mentored by the Inquisitorius.
While wearing a similar uniform as the Royal Guard, the ranks of the Sovereign Protectors wore a dark colored version of the attire. Their tactics often involved them closing the distance to their foes in order to engage in melee combat where they used vibroblades in order to pin their foes against solid surfaces. This allowed them to attack incapacitated foes with their double vibroblades. The mystery that fell upon the unit meant that individuals were unsure of whether it consisted of clones, recruits or a mixture of both. Another rumor that involved them was that a discerning individual was capable of telling a stormtrooper apart from an Imperial Guardsmen; whether they were in uniform or dying.
However, neither myths were true as a guardsmen were highly skilled warriors and were easily capable of disguising their position within the Imperial hierarchy as was the case with one of them who maintained the guise of being a major for eight months with his identity only being discovered by a thorough examination of the Imperial records library. The Emperor's Royal Guard derives from the Red Guard which was created after an attempt was made on Palpatine's life and there were allegations of corruption within the Senate Guard. The Red Guard was charged with the protection of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and was comprised of soldiers all of whom were skilled at combat. Some of its members were handpicked from the militant Senate Commandos at the time. Some believed that the mysterious Sith was hiding in the ranks of the Red Guard.
Anakin Skywalker was later allowed entry into the Chancellor's office by one of the Red Guard. The new Royal Guard along with the Coruscant Guard were in charge of the security arrangements in the capital.
In order to silence him, the Emperor had his daughter Leia Organa taken as a Senatorial Observer though in actuality she was a hostage. This led to her being taken by a pair of Royal Guardsmen to Kashyyyk where she was watched over by Ozzik Sturn. These guardsmen were later killed by the rogue Force user Galen Marek during his mission. A number of Royal Guardsmen were used to protect Palpatine onboard the Death Star I when it was under construction. These guardsmen were all killed by Galen Marek during his mission. This was due to the Emperor's awareness of the Bothan's secret allegiance to the Rebel Alliance.
After confronting them, Palpatine along with his Royal Guards killed a great many Bothans to serve as an example for betraying the Galactic Empire. These Royal Guardsmen battled the clone trooper but were ultimately killed in the struggle thus allowing X2 to escape the Death Star I along with a number of captured Rebels. They ultimately perished when the Death Star was destroyed nearing the end of the Battle of Endor. Many of the rising warlords sought to add members of the Royal Guard into their entourage though this effect varied as some guardsmen joined various factions while others remained neutral. A number of these distraught guardsmen decided to follow Lord Shadowspawn's while others sought the Prophets of the Dark Side who claimed that the Emperor would return.