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The Men Who Love “My Little Pony” Are Losers – Return Of Kings. So I guess Suzanne and Jennifer are not willing to put on an affidavit that Suzanne did not say these things or if she said these things that they are not true.

You really seem to be losing it Michael. The fact we have a witness who knows you and Suzanne very well come forward and repeated Suzannes allegations that both you and your father sexually abused her seems to have really gotten under your skin. Why? If you were innocent it would not bother you, right? It sounds to me like you really did sexually abuse Suzanne.
After all, you could never get a girlfriend at school. Watch The Great Debaters Online Mic. You have been socially awkward all your life.
That is why I took pity on you when you were 1. My father taught me to “take care of people less able to take care of themselves”. So, seeing you were new to our school and new to our town and were socially awkward and could not make friends for yourself I took pity on you and helped you into the social circles of your new school and your new town.
And how did your family repay me for all the good I did your family. I raised your niece and nephew, Kristen and Jarrod, as my own. I paid for all their food and housing and clothing. You didn’t. You didn’t even send them so much as christmas presents or birthday presents.
You did nothing for your Niece and Nephew. And how did you help Jarrod when he had cancer? Did you even know? Did you even care? I, on the other hand, asked my brother to use his position to get Jarrod in to see the #1 cancer specialist in the country for his type of cancer. She assessed him as a 2.
Did you ever bother to find out about that? So, because I LOVED YOUR NEPHEW I got him in to the #1 cancer specialist who used an experimental technique that saved his life. Did you know the next 2 patients she tried that on died? He was a 1 in 3 survivor.
That is how serious his cancer was. And when he wanted to die? Did you bother to even call him and talk to him? When he was so depressed he gave up where were you?
Oh, that would be right, serving your masters at ASIO, that is where you were when your Nephew was in the pit of depression and suicidal and wanting to die. Where was I? I was on the phone to him speaking to him out of love and compassion to inspire him to save his own life….
Even Jarrod himself has openly stated that my phone call to him was the inspiration he needed to fight for his life through chemo for the next six months. Jennifer was such a terrible mother and such a selfish woman that she could not even get over herself long enough to inspire her own son to fight for his own life. That is the sort of selfishness and greed that pervades your family Michael. The members of your family have always been greedy and self interested. The only one not that way was Kerry. So yeah…now every who reads this comment can see the sort of man you are. You cared nothing for your own niece and nephew while I raised them and loved them as my own.
When one of them, Jarrod, wanted to die you were nowhere to be seen while I was arranging for him to get the best possible medical treatment in the country and calling him to inspire him to fight for his life. And you come in to a place like this and tell lies about me? You think ANYONE is going to EVER take ANYTHING you say seriously EVER again? Good luck trying to get any stories in to newspapers. Good luck trying to get photography jobs when you mental instability and hatred has been posted to CAF. And how much of a loser are you with women, eh? You have never been able to manage a long term relationship in your life have you?
I never heard from Jennifer that you ever actually managed to attract a women to settle with you. Never married. No kids. You have never even raised one child Michael. Your whole life has been about yourself. You have made very little contribution to the world you live in.
Go ahead, tell all the men here your great “achievements” now you are 5. What did you do with your life, eh?
Go around telling lies about the man who saved your nephews life? That’s what you think is important in your life? I guess being rejected by women all these years has really pissed you off, right?
Anyway…. you know what you have to do. You have to ask Suzanne and Jennifer to put on an affidavit under oath whatever it is that they will say and you can post it to the web. I will then post it to CAF.
If BOTH Suzanne and Jennifer (and perhaps Chrissy and Kerry as well just for good measure) say that there was no child sexual abuse in the household by either you or your father then great. I would be happy to post such affidavits to the public. After all? It is just as possible that Suzanne is lying and was telling these lies to garner attention as a “victim”. I have openly stated that I think 9.
You can ask anyone around here if I have said that many times over in this place. But if the 4 girls flatly refuse to say there was no sexual abuse in the household? Well? Why would they refuse to do that? It looks very suspicious that not even your own sisters will say you never raped them on an affidavit. And if all 4 girls all say on affidavits there was no sexual abuse in the house? Then Jennifer will no longer be able to blackmail you and Bill with the threat of such an allegation and you and Bill can finally “do the right thing” and ensure that Jennifer returns ALL my property and that your family pays me compensation for your crimes FOUR OF YOU have been so willing to engage in. At least Suzanne, Chrissy and Kerry had the good sense to keep their mouths shut.
And your pathetic and childish attempts to say “come and see me face to face”. What are you going to do, eh? Watch A Patch Of Blue 4Shared. You are the coward here as you will not even face your sister. And if you are thinking that you would like to use violence to settle a criminal matter? Then you must also agree that I am entitled to use violence against Jennifer and your mother to settle their crimes against me. After all, women are equal, right? You are 5. 0 now Michael.
And you are a loser who has wasted his opportunities in life by going to work for ASIO, a part of a satanic criminal cult. I look back on my life and I am extremely proud and pleased with what I have done.
The only peer of mine in Wagga who did better than me was Mark Taylor and good luck to him. How about you? Now you are 5. What do you think of your contribution to the world, eh?
What have you done that you can be pleased with and proud of? Going around telling lies about a man who took pity on your as a socially awkward 1. Are you proud of this?